Teavana: heaven of tea.
Okay, so i work for a coffee shop. I love coffee, I drink it black, black w/ sugar, sugar and milk, I love good coffee. we have a coffee/espresso set up in our kitchen and I love it, I make all kinds of espresso creations, cappuccinos, macchiatos, just not americanos those are gross. so long story short I LOVE good coffee. I enjoy one thing more then coffee.
Tea. mainly Teavana, walking into their store I always take a deep, deep breath and sigh. Everything is pleasing to the eyes, nose, mouth, touch. four out of five senses being happily stimulated is pretty good for one small store. I love the tasting samples, they always have beautiful blends of teas, whites, greens, blacks, roobios, oolong, mates, herbals, all so good and extremely good for you! at the moment I have Maharaja Chai Oolong Tea
and Samurai Chai Mate
. I use the Mate blended with my Chaga Chai for mornings because it has as much energy stuff as coffee, just in a slightly different configuration so I use it instead of coffee, and the mate is think is stronger then the oolong so it's better at masking the mushroomie taste of the chaga. I like the oolong in the evening cause its caffeine free. I use it less often because it's about twice as much as mate. both are delicious, just used for different things.
Tea. mainly Teavana, walking into their store I always take a deep, deep breath and sigh. Everything is pleasing to the eyes, nose, mouth, touch. four out of five senses being happily stimulated is pretty good for one small store. I love the tasting samples, they always have beautiful blends of teas, whites, greens, blacks, roobios, oolong, mates, herbals, all so good and extremely good for you! at the moment I have Maharaja Chai Oolong Tea
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