Rants of the half awake young adult.

     Okay! I've been up since like 4:30 because I thought I heard someone messing with the cars outside. By the time I put on pants they were ether gone or a figment of my imagination... I'm still wide awake, which I hate. What Else should I do other then blog while on twitter, Tumblr, And wishing instagram would publish it's android app already! (See what I did there? this is called an Introduction paragraph in the academic world.)
     So I have a Twitter, Clearly. My twitter Handle is @Nikolace I tweet a lot, not an annoying amount but enough, I'm trying to get more followers (15 at the moment) But it isn't really working all that well to be honest. So I've been reading about how to better use twitter to connect with people, I know there are cool people out there! Including on twitter! No, I don't mean Lady Gaga. Jeez. So if you wanna follow me on twitter feel free! I'm just tweeting away like a little bird. yup, That wasn't a very well constructed paragraph...

     Add an empty line, make it more readable... There! Now to Tumblr, I must admit, I no know how to use it very well. Albeit, I really only use it on my phone so I don't get the whole feel for it and somethings don't work very well. I do like it and a reblog like a boss but on that I only follow 20 blogs and I have 7 followers (#sadness) So yea, My Tumblr At this point I've gotten sidetracked from this post over 10 times because of Twitter or Tumblr, and Edgeworld on Google+ You can find my profile on the right side of the page, yea the little black thing, it pops out if you mouse over it... Yea like that! NO! Don't Click it yet! I'm not done talking! Click it After I'm done then you can go see all the random stuff Google knows about me.

     Yea, No I'm done. this has been my rant, I don't wanna talk about stupid instagram, it's too aggravating! *runs away from computer crying and cursing all apple fan boys*


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