Because cutting digital rope is only so fun.

Okay so adventuring on the Internet today I found this little thing. It's called Sphero
Now to it's credit this is America, with obesity and Iphones both becoming a norm It only was a matter of time before a made a ball that was remote controlled by our Iphones... Can you feel the sarcasm sticking to every pixel of your screen right now? yea. Now I will admit I think the idea is kinda cool and the creators actually made API's for it so third party groups can make infinitely cooler apps. That take advantage of the built in LED, gyroscopic, and accelerometer. 

So looking at videos and such on the Sphero reminded me of a video Phill Defranco did about the AR.drone 2. Which is actually cool.
Creeping was never so easy!
The AR.drone 2 is a flying quad copter That has a HD camera on the front... Which could be used for a multitude of things, getting dramatic camera angles, exploring the world around you, or the girls next doors bed room. What? No. that's completely unethical. Anyways! The AR.drone is the coolest Apple controlled thing I've seen but at $299.99 it's still super expensive.

Honestly I would only use it for the camera, Actual camera booms like that are far more expensive and the types of video I wanna shoot would require this kinda thing. The IOS versions have a few Games to do with it like augmented reality obstacle course?

My final find was The Brookstone Rover Spy Tank. 

This tank also has Video like the AR.Drone but is clearly land locked. It does have night vision, I'm not sure how well it works but that could also get you in trouble. It also has a route setting app so you could in theory pre program route like they did in their ad. So while not nearly as cool as it's flying brother it's still pretty sweet.

Here Is my question, Would you buy something like this if you had the money, one. Two, Where do you think this is gonna go? Do you think we're going to start having more robots and tech in our lives controlled by our phones, watches, glasses, thoughts?


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