I gone, done, did it now!

Well, not really. I deleted my Facebook. I got hacked and was posting spam, so i killed it! now I'm just posting to Google+, Twitter, and Tumblr. I can't access Tumblr at work though. Which is were I spend most of my waking hours. I'm looking for people to follow/follow me on Google+ and twitter. If you want me to follow you or add you to a circle just comment with a username!

I recently started following this guy on twitter and he's freaking hilarious. He's made the #DearPatient tag awesome.

 You lie to me, you get prescriptions for placebos. Do it again, you get Ipecac. And a Narcan Patch. Troll. ~RealEDdoc

In other news, It's shark week on discovery! and Philip DeFranco is hosting! Go internet!

Well, That's all I got...

Remember to comment if you want to Share you're Twitter or G+


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