Summarization of My Introduction to Psychology.

Below is the paper I turned in this semester for my introduction to psychology. Please feel free to comment! I know my formatting and grammar aren't perfect and it only helps to have people nit pick it! I have the Drive link up so people can comment on specifics if they like. Thanks!

Summarization of My Introduction to Psychology.

Nicholas S.J.

Southern Maine Community College - Department of Psychology


During my semester of Intro to Psychology I have learned a lot to positively affect my life as a student, husband, and person. Some of these things have been more profound than others. Of all the information we went over this semester the things that have stuck with me most are memory, health psychology, and motivation.

     “the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context”. (psychology, 2013) is the definition of psychology according to Oxford Dictionary. Psychology being a scientific study is very important to me. I had never heard of psychology being scientific and had build the idea that it was just observation and people labeling similar activities in groups of people! As I’ve moved forward in this course I’ve learned that psychology is a real, measurable, scientific study of the mind and it’s functions. On top of that it has real world use. Memory, health psychology, and motivation affected me most to start change in my life and see places I need to improve upon as a student.

     Looking at my first portfolio I really didn't put much into it. I didn't give enough thought, time, or effort. Now that I am completing my last portfolio I am proud of the growth I have made in this class and as a student. My number one goal in my portfolio is to be a better student next year then I was this year. I have another ten years of school before I get to be a medical doctor; I know I have to work on my goals and be better every year if I want to succeed in becoming one. By utilizing what I’ve learned covering my three favorite topics I know I will be able to do better by staying focused and motivated. Working on skills to assist in memory recall to do better learning and on exams. Understanding how to manage stress and the importance of my physical health in doing well psychologically and academically.

     Our memories are made of information and experiences. Our lives are made of the sum of our memories. "Psychologist define memory as the retention of information or experience over time". (King, 2011, p. 208) “Our lives are the sum of our memories...". (Foer, 2012) What could be more important to a person then knowing who and what they are? Looking at Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Deci & Ryan's self determination theory(King, 2011, p. 324) that knowing who you are as a person is the highest level people achieve. The importance in this topic for me not only relates to knowing who I am but the process to get there. This unit taught me how memory works and has made it easier for me to take advantage of it. I now consciously use elaboration and deep processing to make things stick in my memory better. I've quickly learned that you can't just read textbooks, you need to really think and process the information if you want to use it and keep it. That's deep processing. Not just looking at the graphs or reading the words but considering what it actually means and how I will use that. For me I can make this easier in my head with elaboration. By elaborating or interlinking things I read, it makes them easier to store in my memory. It act like a spiders web, I read and learn more by catching it the web and interlinking those things as well.

     From the time I started working at sixteen to the time I turned nineteen I gained almost 80 pounds from poor diet, minimal exercise, and a lot more stress then I was use to. I, of course, had many excuses ranging in quality from poor to simply ridiculous. First I worked at a coffee and bake shop, my daily diet was refined carbs and coffee because it was right in front of me and free. I went from a healthy 180 pounds to 220 pounds over two years working there. Then I started at Delta Ambulance, I went from working 20-30 hours a week to 60-84 hours a week, all nights, sometimes going a whole month without a day off. The diet of choice turned into Monster, Redbull, and McDonald’s, I have no idea how I gained another 40 pounds. It wasn’t until I saw my wedding pictures that I had seriously had enough. I was the heaviest I had ever been and not happy. At Delta I knew I was eating bad, gaining weight, and not active enough but I didn’t care to change. I was thinking about it, but not there yet. After looking at those wedding pictures it was the push I needed to go to do something. I started looking up diets and exercise regimens, the next week I hit the produce section and gym. This was the summer of 2013. I have been maintaining healthier habits since then and lost over 40 pounds. I have slipped up multiple times, I’ve made myself busy with school and work and not left time for the treadmill but I have still been making an effort and losing weight and getting in better shape. This story of mine is a perfect example of stages of change model, it’s even the idea used in the book! I have photographic proof that it’s worked for me though.

     “The stages of change model describes the process by which individuals give up bad habits and adopt healthier lifestyles”. (King, 2011, p. 556) I walked each of these steps. When I got done at the coffee shop I didn’t think I was too much overweight even though I was, that’s precontemplation. When I got to Delta I knew I was gaining too much weight and didn’t feel good about myself, I started contemplating. After seeing myself in my wedding photos i knew it was time for change, I was determined and started preparations. When I started eating healthy and going to the gym I put my plan into action! After losing over 40 pounds I have to keep pushing and maintaining to keep losing weight and feel better. I am glad to know that even when I relapse it is a normal part of the model. To keep going I need something to push me; I need motivation.

     I don’t need a textbook to tell me what motivation is. most everyone knows motivation is a force that pushes to an action. It can be internal or external, push you towards a reward, or away from a punishment. However, King does define motivation as “the force that moves people to behave, think and feel the way they do”.(2011, p.316) For me this whole topic was useful. It has and will help me for the rest of my life. Thinking in terms of Self-Determination theory(King, 2011, p. 324) has helped me prioritize my life. As long as I facilitate competence, relatedness, and autonomy in my life I’ll be okay. I’m a decent student and I know how to do my job fairly well. Having a decent job that I work hard for allows me to be autonomic by making enough money to take care of myself. As a social person I find it easy to grow relationships; I moved to portland with my wife and we had no friends or family in this area but we’ve come to have a great group of people to hang out and connect with at SMCC.

     Self-regulation, the thing that brings this all home. This paper is based on the three topics that have had the greatest effect on me. The portfolio was built around showing how much psychology has to offer and entice active thinking out of the student. The learner goals are a big focus and rightfully so. Why learn something if you don't use it or don't know how to use it? By far the most important thing I got from not only this class but from my first semester of college is how extremely important it is to self regulate. Make goals and follow through with them. No one is nagging me to do homework anymore. If I don't do a portion of the homework or assignment nothing profound happens. It just gets a zero. Once, that might be okay. Twice, you may get away with it. Third time though and now I'm failing the class! As an adult I am the only person that can set and follow through with goals for myself. I'm also the only person to reap the rewards and take the blame.

     This semester and this class has been extremely educational and useful to set up my future in academia and beyond. I know I will use many more things from this class on a daily bases but I would need another week and a small book to write them all down. I know at least the three subjects that will help me the most in completing my goals are memory, how best to store and retrieve from it. Health psychology, I'll only live once and I'll only get this one body, I have to take care of it now. Motivation, how could I do anything without it? I look forward to what college brings and I will appreciate taking introduction to psychology my first semester to set me on a good track for success.


psychology. In (2013). Oxford Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

King, L. (2011). The science of psychology 2 an appreciative view. McGraw-Hill.

Foer, J. (2012). Feats of memory anyone can do. Ted talks.


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