Medic school discussions: VARK and JUNG

Vark Learning tool

Visual: 4
Aural: 12
Read/Write: 4
Kinesthetic: 14

The VARK very accurately describes my personal learning style. I have always learned best by doing. I have to actually manipulate and try things to do them to the best of my abilities. I also enjoy and do well with lecturing. I enjoy listening and talking to people. I am indifferent to visual aid and power points, I see them more as a reminder of what a good lecturer should be talking about. I also dislike just reading text. I understand it’s importance and do it willingly, but it’s a slow process for me and I often get distracted multiple times a page.

With lecturing I am going to use my visual, aural, and more than likely reading/writing. Luckily my Aural skills are better and that makes me a good student for listening to lecture.

Hands on learning happens to be my forte. I do very well working with people and practicing skills, I learn by doing very quickly and have a much higher retention rate.

Jung Typology test

  • Please post your answers to the following questions: ENFJ - Extravert(67%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(12%) Judging(33%)
    • Do you feel that the Jung Typology Test is an accurate description of you?  Why or Why not, please be specific.
I think this is a very good example of my personality. I've always been drawn to helping people. People find me likable, passionate, and charismatic. I feel like I could be a good leader. I always have been among friends and in social groups. I’m always a “glass half full” type of person and I think people like that about me and let me speak my mind because of it.
  • Do you think your personality type will make you a better paramedic?  Why or Why not, please be specific.
I think it will help my career as a paramedic, EMS is a team sport but at the same time every team needs a leader. The most important thing that will help me lead an EMS team would be my faith in my team. ENFJ has a strong desire to believe and expect the best out of other people. We also are excellent communicators which is essential in any good medical care, much more EMS.

  • Do you think your personality type will make you a better educator?  Why or Why not, please be specific.
I think I could be a good educator. I enjoy helping people figure out problems. At work I’m often asked questions about using the computers, mainly because I’m a geek, but also because I’m more then willing to sit down and explain things to people. I think anyone can learn anything given the time and good, quality direction.


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