CollegeLyfe: Capturing motion

closest thing I got to panning...
 It's kind of weird to be start blogging 3 weeks  into a semester, but I felt I wanted to share my college experiences and what I'm learning. So this post focuses on photography. This weeks assignments was to capture motion. I should go back and document what all the different shutter speeds were.... but that's a lot of work. Instead, just enjoy the motion captured! I tried capturing some panning, but It proved difficult, especially with a spastic kid as my subject... I finally did capture the first picture of his face mostly in focus.
I then tried to capture him in motion while keeping the rest of the scene clear. Some of the technical aspects of this photo aren't great. The sky is rather blown out, I'm still learning to work with color corrections...

 To capture a good motion blur I meant to go to an overpass and get a great shot, but that opportunity didn't come. The motion blur of this picture is the beast I could capture. It certainly didn't help that my windshield needs washing...
Circus Maine is an amateur and professional level circus school in Portland, Me. Every third Saturday they have in house performances. They bring in instructors and entertainers from all to shows off their skill. This ring acrobatics set was by far my favorite. I love how smooth her movements were and you can really get a feel with the long exposures just how smooth the arcs are. The performances are great and at $16/Person for a 2 hour show, absolutely worth it.

If you've read this far, thank you! I look forward to sharing more of my college experience. I am looking for a good way to share my Biology I and Microbiology without creating an issue... Cellphones are pretty good vectors for microbes and I don't believe my who class wants to be recorded...



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